Wednesday, October 06, 2004

No Law Allowed

The village nearest to me held an election last night to decide whether to create a sheriff (or other local law enforcement) department. Currently, the area is serviced only by the State Troopers and some residents felt that we would receive better law enforcement service if we had our own cops. The proposition was soundly defeated demonstrating the inherent intelligence of the backwoods voters.

The ballot explanation of the proposition, however, demonstrated the inherent lack of intelligence of the overseeing bureaucracy and provided an anarchists' dream come true. The official ballot provided as follows:

YES [A Yes Vote will result in the creation of a law enforcement service area in the [local] area.]

NO [A No Vote will prohibit the exercise of law enforcement powers in the [local] area, and the service area will not be created.]

As the vote was resoundingly "No", the exercise of law enforcement powers is now apparently forbidden!

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